Sfinxa is a women's workshop and artist collective.
We wish to contribute to the realization and visibility of art and cultural expressions created by women. Sfinxa's plattform includes the development and production of film, literature, visual arts / crafts, performing arts, music and more.
Sfinxa will also arrange and participate in exhibitions, debates and cultural events.
Sfinxa has its own publishing platform; Sfinxa - lesbian print, that will initiate and publish books including magazines, art books, catalogs and other literature such as comics, posters and other printed material made by women.
Sfinxa is an organization with a board of 4-5 women.
© Foto, Seriøsgruppa
Who are we?
The original Women´s collective SFINXA was founded by lesbian feminists who found each other in the feminist movement in Oslo, Norway, in the middle of the 70´s. The "Serious group" started with performanc and photo and attracted more women who wanted to express themselves in a creative way. Sfinxa had a offset printing press and silkscreen production and was an important supplier of drawings, poetry, articles and posters from 1976 til 1989. Sfinxa printet flyers and poster for the feminist womens movement and other supporters.
One of the founders, Inge Ås, translated posters from Norwegian to English and sold them across the US and Canada on her feminist tour in 1980 where she visited womens houses, cafes, printing houses and womens lands. Some posters were given to archives in NY.
The new SFINXA - is just in its beginning. We do not at present have a physical workspace.
1. The exhibition: "SFINXA - lesbian prints - Inge Ås" was shown at the art gallery NITJA ( former Akerhus kunstsenter) in the spring 2020, but was closed down in the middle because of Covid. You can see part of the exhibition in our videos.
2. We had a panel on womens international day 8th of March inside the exhibition just before lock down. And we manged to get some on video - in Norwegian.
3. The book "Vi spiste, sov og drakk feminisme" ("We ate, slept and drank feminism") was released the 25th of September in Oslo and is now avaliable.
We hope it can be translated into English. For now you can enjoy all the visuals, posters, photo and cartoons.
4. We still have several posters in offset and silkscreen from the 70s for sale. Look under Galleri/kjøp
And hopefully we will make some of the posters with English text avaliable.
We hope to make connections to all of you who are interested in womens struggles and creativity all over the world.
Please send us a word and let us know about you. Our mail is post@sfinxa.no
We are also on Facebook.
Sincerely from SFINXA